
Construct a custom companion
Construct a custom companion

Organization : Open Technologies Alliance - GFOSS

  • Custom build PCB for easy connection of the electronic components.
  • Feel free, to contribute and participate on that project, any suggestion and improvement are welcomed. There is still a lot work that may be done, in order the Proteas robot to be a direct competitive to any commercial alternative on education robotics and I believe, with the support of the Open Source community, that goal can be reached.
  • Jupyter Notebooks with examples and educational material.
  • Extensive instruction for the assembly and usage.
  • Custom Raspbian image with OpenCV, Jupyter, Node.js, Python libraries, instructions and configuration intergraded.
  • Python library for easy usage and control of the robot.
  • The code for the electronic parts in some cases it was complicated for a new user and using the object oriented way the code transformed from 50 lines to 3 lines easy to understand and use code. Finally because the robot needed to be easy to programme form people with low experience with programming, decided to use a object oriented way. Also the investigation of a stable and capable power source was crucial because nobody wants a robot with short working time, finally selected a custom build power block (BMS, Li-ion batteries and stepdown circuit) which offers excellent performance, recharging capability, usage of the robot with external power supply and long working time. Another problem was the voltages of the electronic parts, most of the parts are designed to work with the Arduino 5V voltages but the Raspberry Pi voltages are 3V and for that reason used a Bidirectional Logic Level Converter. The first days of the project I designed and tested about ten different designs of the socket system. The main challenge of the project was the requirement to avoided the usage of tools on the assembly stage.
  • Connect to proteas network and have fun.
  • Burn the custom Raspbian image and load it to the Raspberry PI.
  • Read the wiki and choose the type of robot you want.
  • The procedure to construct the robot is explained detailed on the Wiki of the project. With this project you can construct a modular robot, easy to use with cheap electronic parts and 3D printed parts. You can visit this gist that summarizes in a few words, the work which was done during the Google Summer of Code working period. View the project on Google Summer of Code website. You can program and control the robot through your browser using the Proteas wireless access point.

    construct a custom companion

    The robot has the Raspberry Pi 3+ as the main computer with Raspbian operating system combined with Jupyter Notebook as programing interface and a Node.js application as front-end main control page. The designs are 3D printable and all the electronics parts are easy to find in any electronic equipment store. With this project I designed an easy to assembly and program, robot from scratch. 🚀 GSOC 2019 - A DIY robot kit for educators Introduction

    Construct a custom companion